/ Interaction Plan with Actual Figures Interaction Plan with Actual Figures

The month after the last entry of actual figures is when the differences are dissolved. In the following screenshot, we see the balance of the first month with plan figures both as table and as graph. As seen, the actual value is 46,226 while the plan figures are 56,730. There is a discrepancy between the two values which will be resolved cash effective in the next month. In this case, c. 1,500 additional debt will be taken by the project. This is when the value is set to fixed. It is also possible to change this value to “value from Ledger”, in which case the last value of the ledger is taken and the redemption is calculated on that value.

This kind of interaction takes place at the following places in green[::]match:

  • Goodwill (Capex-Tab): Difference is released either in income statement or cash-effective, depending on the preferences of the user, which can be changed in the Capex Tab.

  • Powerplant & Facilities (Capex-Tab): Difference is released either in income statement or cash-effective, depending on the preferences of the user, which can be changed in the Capex Tab.

  • Ground (Capex-Tab): Difference is released either in income statement or cash-effective, depending on the preferences of the user, which can be changed in the Capex Tab.

  • Debt (Debt-Tab): Difference is released cash-effective by redeeming or taking on new debt.

  • Reserve Account (Debt-Tab): Difference is released cash-effective by redeeming or taking on funds in the Reserve Account.

  • Shareholder Loan (Transaction-Tab): Difference is released cash-effective by redeeming or taking on new Shareholder Loans.

  • Transaction Expenditure (Transaction-Tab): Difference is released in income statement.

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