/ Outputs Outputs

Deviation waterfall

In the Deviations Graph you can see how the deviations between two different project versions are formed. In the example below, Plan A had an expected return of 3.8% (Equity IRR), while Plan B has an expected return of 0.5% (Equity IRR). As seen in the graph, the primary driver of this decline is higher CapEx, while sales growth and lower taxes partially offset the negative impact. The waterfall chart can be adjusted to display different views, including Project IRR, Payout IRR, NOPAT, and Cashflow-to-Equity.

On the right side, you can see the category-wise differences between the two project versions. You can switch between Profit & Loss (P&L) and Cashflow views and select different time periods: Lifetime (default), Actual Figures (period including actual data), or Year-to-Date.

Deviation waterfall.png


Break even comparison

In the Management Summary, you will also find a break-even comparison for the two selected project versions. You can switch between different cash flow levels—Adjusted Free Cash Flow, Cashflow-to-Equity, and Payout. As with all time-based graphs in greenmatch, you can toggle between yearly, quarterly, and monthly views, switch to a table view, and download the data as a CSV file.

Compare break even.png

Extended financial model comparison

By switching from Management summary to Financial model you will be able to access a variety of useful graphs and tables, such as:

P&L comparison table

Cashflow comparison table

Compare CF Table.png

Production comparison graph

Compare Production Graph.png

Opex comparison graph

Compare Opex Graph.png


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