Project Versions Table

Project Versions Table

The Project Version table gives an overview of the different (unarchived) versions of the project. It can be used to either compare how the project is structured now compared to the previous assumptions, or to calculate sensitivities by selectively changing key variables in different versions and comparing the resulting IRRs.

  • By clicking on Add, you can add a new project version

  • By clicking on the small pen you can edit the name of the version and add actual figures (in case you have the Asset Controlling license)

  • By clicking on the 6 points in the top right corner of the table you can change the order of the project versions are displayed

  • By clicking on the lock you can lock a project version from editing. This is reversable

  • By clicking on the folder with an downward facing arrow you can archive project versions

  • The waste bin can be used to delete project versions

  • The two sheets one behind the other is to copy a project version

  • By clicking on Archived versions the archive is opened. Archived project versions can be recovered