Tax Entities

Tax Entities

Input FieldDescriptionUnitPresetting


Tax entity nameFree text"Tax" + Index


The taxes according to the Profit & Loss statement are calculated by multiplying the Rate with the Reference.

Percent of the Reference0%


For the tax application the following References according to the Profit & Loss statement are available:

EBT (adjusted)

Reference for the calculation is "EBT (adjusted)" according to the Profit & Loss statement. EBT stands for "Earnings before Taxes". "Adjusted" means that Depreciation Entities with Tax Neutral = no aren't included in the reference.

EBIT (adjusted)

Reference for the calculation is "EBIT (adjusted)" according to the Profit & Loss statement. EBIT stands for "Earnings before Interests and Taxes". "Adjusted" means that Depreciation Entities with Tax Neutral = no aren't included in the reference. All interests on Reserve Accounts, Debt Tranches and Shareholder Loans are also excluded from the reference.


Reference for the calculation is "EBITDA" according to the Profit & Loss statement. EBITDA stands for "Earnings before Interests, Taxes, Depreciations and Amortizations". All Depreciation Entities and all interests on Reserve Accounts, Debt Tranches and Shareholder Loans are excluded from the reference.

EBT with additionsReference for the calculation is "EBT with additions" according to the Profit & Loss statement. EBT stands for "Earnings before Taxes". "With additions" means that Depreciation Entities with Tax Neutral = no aren't included in the reference. All interests on Reserve Accounts, Debt Tranches and Shareholder Loans are also excluded from the reference.
CustomCustom reference can be created by using the formula builder. Further information regarding the tax formula builder can be found under this link: Tax Formula Builder.

Start date

Start date of the Tax burden defined through a Date Choice Box. For example: "first time at Start", that is Start + 0 months.

Date Choice BoxStart + 0 years

End date

End date of the Tax burden defined through a Date Choice Box. For example: "last time at End", that is End + 0 months.Date Choice Box End + 0 years

Loss Carried Forward Mode

Losses according to the Tax Reference lead to negative tax amounts in the Profit & Loss statement. The integration into the Cashflow statement and the Balance Sheet is handled as follows:


Negative tax amounts are set to 0 in the concerned period in the Cashflow statement. At the same time the Balance Sheet builds an asset "deferred taxes" with the same amount. The "deferred taxes" are charge infinite in later periods in which the tax burden is positive.


Negative tax amounts are set to 0 in the concerned period in the Cashflow statement. The Balance Sheet doesn't build any "deferred taxes". So loss effects from the tax reference are gone for taxes.


Value at Transaction

Deferred tax credits can be resumed per Transaction Date (compare: Open Items - similar but without taxes). The following options are available:

Transferred Deferred Taxes

The resumed deferred tax credits per Transaction Date are directly entered in the value input as Currency.

Transferred Loss Carried Forward

The value input occurs as Loss Carried Forward (in Currency). The deferred tax credits is calculated as multiplication between Loss Carried Forward and Tax Rate. The Reference has to be considered to interpret the Loss Carried Forward. A "real" Loss Carried Forward is in combination with EBT.

Selection + Value inputTransferred Deferred Tax 0

Method of Payment

Allocation of a Method of payment. For example: "first time at Transaction, every 3 month with a Target of 2 months". When no Method of Payment is used, the Profit & Loss statement is consistent with the Cashflow statement. Affected net current assets have a value of 0 in the Balancesheet.

Method of Payment allocationNone


Taxes affect the Tax calculations.

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