Sale Entities

Sale Entities

Sales Section

The Sales section covers all parameters which concern the remunerated electricity price.

Input FieldDescriptionUnitPresetting


Sales entity nameFree text"FIT" + Index

Revenue Model


Select this option if you receive a feed-in-tariff. In addition, you can enter a market price and then choose how the two prices interact.


Select this option if you have a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The following PPAs are available: 

  • Pay-as-Produced: In case you have a variable production profile. This means that a fixed tariff is paid for each produced unit, regardless of current market prices.
  • Annual Baseload: In case you have a fixed delivery profile which is constant during the year. The difference between the amount of electricity actually generated and the defined amount must be bought and sold on the electricity market. 
  • Monthly Baseload: In case you have a fixed delivery profile which varies from month to month. The difference between the amount of electricity actually generated and the defined amount must be bought and sold on the electricity market. 
Market PriceSelect this option if the electricity produced is sold on the electricity market.

Interaction Group

Selection of the Interaction Group (compare Price Interaction):

Feed-in-Tariff Group

Sale entities of this group are summed up with Sales of the same Group (Feed-in-Tariff Group) before the interaction takes effect.

For example for the German Renewable Energy Act "Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz" (EEG).

Market Price Group

Sale entities of this group are summed up with Sales of the same Group (Market Price Group) before the interaction takes effect.

For sells on the energy market, for example direkt sells.

NoneSale entities (remaining) are directly summed up and Interaction takes effect.
SelectionFeed-in-Tariff Group


The available drivers per section are listed on the following page: Driver



Input of a value proper to the selected driver.


With these functions caps and floors can be defined for the Sales.


The Sales corresponds to a floor which depends on a driver.

The following drivers are available:

 Driver details


All available drivers in green[::]match. The column "Applicability" shows all section in which the different drivers are available.

Driver TypeDescriptionApplicability

Fix per Production Unit

Fix value input in Currency per Production Unit. The value is multiplied with the number of added Production Units.

For example: "EUR 20'000 per Production Unit and year" x 2 added Production Units" makes 40'000 EUR/a.

Template, Sales, Opex, Capex, Transaction Expenditures, Floor, Cap

Fix per Project

Fix value input in Currency per Project. The value is adopted without adjustments.

For example: "40'000 EUR/a per Project".

When for Start and End of the Date Choice Box "Production Unit Start" or "Production Unit End" is choosen in combination with this driver, the value is assigned to the Production Units pro rata.

Template, Sales, Opex, Capex, Transaction Expenditures


The value input is in Currency  per hour according to the Unit and is multiplied with the Production per added Production Unit.

For example: "80 Eur/MWh with 1 added Production Unit with a production of 1'000 MWh/a" makes 80'000 EUR/a.

Template, Sales, Opex, Capex, Floor, Cap


The value input is in Currency per Unit per per year and is multiplied with the Power per added Production Unit.

For example: "10'000 EUR/MW/a with 1 added Production Unit with an installed Power of 2 MW" makes 20'000 EUR/a.

Template, Sales, Opex, Reserves, Capex, Transaction Expenditures, Floor, Cap


The value input is in Currency per Unit per year and is multiplied with the amount of material per year.

Sales, Opex


The value input is in percent and is multiplied with the Sales per added Production Unit.


Single per Production Unit

The value input is in Currency as single amount per added Production Units. 

Note: You should define as End the value Start + 1 month to receive a "real" single amount. Otherwise the single amount is divided through the months between start and end.

Sales, Opex

Single per Project

The value input is in Currency as single amount per Project. 

Note: You should define as End the value Start + 1 month to receive a "real" single amount. Otherwise the single amount is divided through the months between start and end.

Sales, Opex

Option Based Component

Choice between Bonus or Malus component, cap, floor as well as a combination of cap and floor. Explanations can be found when adding an Option Based Component in green[::]match valuation.Opex


Adoption of a Template according to the selection. The calculation occurs according to the driver input from the selected Template.

Sales, Opex


The Custom function allow to create an own formula for the calculations.  More information can be found under: Opex, TaxOpex, Tax


Fix value input in Currency. The value is adopted without adjustments.

Debt, Reserves, Shareholder Loans

Asset Purchase Price

The value refers to the percentage of the Asset Purchase Price.

Debt, Shareholder Loans


The value refers to the percentage of the sum of all Capexes, regardless if they are "Included in the Asset Purchase Price" or not.

Debt, Shareholder Loans

Next Debt Service

The Debt Service demand is orientated as percentage of the sum of the Debt Service from all Debt Tranches according to the Look Ahead Period. Thus the Reserve account demand is variable.

EquityThe value refers to the percentage of Equity.Shareholder Loans


The Sales corresponds to a cap which depends on a driver.

The following drivers are available:

 Driver details


All available drivers in green[::]match. The column "Applicability" shows all section in which the different drivers are available.

Driver TypeDescriptionApplicability

Fix per Production Unit

Fix value input in Currency per Production Unit. The value is multiplied with the number of added Production Units.

For example: "EUR 20'000 per Production Unit and year" x 2 added Production Units" makes 40'000 EUR/a.

Template, Sales, Opex, Capex, Transaction Expenditures, Floor, Cap

Fix per Project

Fix value input in Currency per Project. The value is adopted without adjustments.

For example: "40'000 EUR/a per Project".

When for Start and End of the Date Choice Box "Production Unit Start" or "Production Unit End" is choosen in combination with this driver, the value is assigned to the Production Units pro rata.

Template, Sales, Opex, Capex, Transaction Expenditures


The value input is in Currency  per hour according to the Unit and is multiplied with the Production per added Production Unit.

For example: "80 Eur/MWh with 1 added Production Unit with a production of 1'000 MWh/a" makes 80'000 EUR/a.

Template, Sales, Opex, Capex, Floor, Cap


The value input is in Currency per Unit per per year and is multiplied with the Power per added Production Unit.

For example: "10'000 EUR/MW/a with 1 added Production Unit with an installed Power of 2 MW" makes 20'000 EUR/a.

Template, Sales, Opex, Reserves, Capex, Transaction Expenditures, Floor, Cap


The value input is in Currency per Unit per year and is multiplied with the amount of material per year.

Sales, Opex


The value input is in percent and is multiplied with the Sales per added Production Unit.


Single per Production Unit

The value input is in Currency as single amount per added Production Units. 

Note: You should define as End the value Start + 1 month to receive a "real" single amount. Otherwise the single amount is divided through the months between start and end.

Sales, Opex

Single per Project

The value input is in Currency as single amount per Project. 

Note: You should define as End the value Start + 1 month to receive a "real" single amount. Otherwise the single amount is divided through the months between start and end.

Sales, Opex

Option Based Component

Choice between Bonus or Malus component, cap, floor as well as a combination of cap and floor. Explanations can be found when adding an Option Based Component in green[::]match valuation.Opex


Adoption of a Template according to the selection. The calculation occurs according to the driver input from the selected Template.

Sales, Opex


The Custom function allow to create an own formula for the calculations.  More information can be found under: Opex, TaxOpex, Tax


Fix value input in Currency. The value is adopted without adjustments.

Debt, Reserves, Shareholder Loans

Asset Purchase Price

The value refers to the percentage of the Asset Purchase Price.

Debt, Shareholder Loans


The value refers to the percentage of the sum of all Capexes, regardless if they are "Included in the Asset Purchase Price" or not.

Debt, Shareholder Loans

Next Debt Service

The Debt Service demand is orientated as percentage of the sum of the Debt Service from all Debt Tranches according to the Look Ahead Period. Thus the Reserve account demand is variable.

EquityThe value refers to the percentage of Equity.Shareholder Loans

The floor value should be less than the cap value. If the cap value is less than the floor value, the floor value is ignored and only the cap value is used.

SelectionFix per Production Unit


Beginning of the Sales entity defined through a Date Choice Box. For example: "first time at transaction", that is Transaction + 0 months.

The entered month corresponds to the first day of this month (inclusive). For example: Start 01 /2015 means that the Sales entity is considered from 01.01.2015 according to the Driver/Value input.



The End is defined by a Date Choice Box.


The End depends on the attainment of an accumulated Production per assigned Production Unit since Production Unit Start.




For example: "Production Unit Start + 20 years".

The entered month refers to the last day of this month (inclusive). For example: An end 12 /2015 mean that the Sale entity is considered till 12.31.2015 according to Driver/Value input


For example: "10'000 MWh" & "From First Production Unit Start", which means the accumulated Production > 10'000 MWh from first Production Unit start will not be remunerated according to this Sale entity.

The End of the Sale entity is defined as the accumulated Production per assigned Production Unit since Production Unit Start. This means the Sales entity is considered till the attainment of the accumulated Production according the End input of the corresponding Production Unit

For example: An input of "10'000 MWh with 2 assigned Production Units" means that the Sale entity is valid till the particular Production Unit produced 10'000 MWh since Production Unit Start. A accumulated Production > 10'000 will not be remunerated according to this Sale entity.

Note: For projects with heterogeneous properties according the quotal end (for example Production Unit 1 has 10'000 MWh and Production Unit 2 has 15'000 MWh) you should use two different Sale entities.

Date Choice Box



Production Unit End + 0 months



Production Units

Selection of the concerned Production Units. The presetting is that all Production Units  are selected. With a change to "Some" individual Production Units can be added.

Production Unit AllocationAll


Allocation to an Indexation, for example an inflation of 2%. Is no Indexation allocated the concerned values stay constant over time.

Indexation AllocationNone

Methods of Payment

Allocation of a Method of payment. For example: "first time at Transaction, every 3 month with a Target of 2 months". When no Method of Payment is used, the Profit & Loss statement is consistent with the Cashflow statement. Affected net current assets have a value of 0 in the Balancesheet.

Methods of Payment AllocationNone


The Sales affect Sales calculation.

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