1.1.2 green[::]match Dashboard

1.1.2 green[::]match Dashboard


The green[::]match Dashboard shows an overview of all software functionalities:


All existing projects are shown here, new projects can be created or imported.

New ProjectCreate a new project.
Import ProjectImport an existing project (.json file).
Edit ProjectEdit an existing project with a click on the project name.

On basis of the Analytics modul the influence of different input factors on the return can be tested.


The Reporting modul offers the opportunity to create indivalually configurable reports.

TeamShows all green[::]match teams in which the logged-in user is.
Supportgreen[::]match Service Desk
Documentationgreen[::]match documentation, which explains inputs, outputs and all calculations.


 All existing projects can be edited, new projects can be created or imported.

Create Project

  1. Click on "New Project".
  2. Choose the desired Master data.
  3. Confirm with a click on "Create Project".

List Functions

The following list functions are available to filter all existing projects:

My ProjectsShows all projects created by the logged-in user.
last DayShows all projects edited or created within the last 24 hours.
last WeekShows all projects edited or created within the last week.
last MonthShows all projects edited or created within the last month.
SearchSearch for a project name, tags or a project creator.

Edit Project - Overview

The overview shows the following data of each project. With a click on an existing project, the project can be edited.

Projekt NameName of the project.
TagsTags of the project.
Project TypeFilter of the project.
TechnologyTechnology of the project.
CountryCountry of the project.
PowerPower of the whole project in kW, MW or GW.
ProductionProduction of the project in kWh/a, MWh/a or GWh/a.
CapexCapex of the project.
Equity IRREquity IRR of the project.
Project IRRProject IRR of the project.
CreatorCreator of the project.
SharingAuthorized persons/teams. With a click on the number of authorized persons more users or teams can be added or removed from the project.
Last UpdatedDate of the last Update.
Last Updated byLast user, who updated the project.


On basis of the Analytics modul the influence of different input factors on the return can be tested.


The Reporting modul offers the opportunity to create indivalually configurable reports.


Shows all green[::]match teams in which the logged in user belongs to.


The green[::]match Service Desk can be inquired when there're questions which aren't explained in the green[::]match documentation. The following categories are available:

Finance Model (Berechnungen)

Questions concerning the calculation, which aren't explained in the documentation.

User Interface

Questions concerning the user interface of green[::]match.

Neues Feature

Requests for new green[::]match features.

Projektspezifische Beratung

Questions concerning project specific consulting.


Questions not included in the above categories.


The green[::]match documentation, which explains inputs, outputs and all calculations.