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Eigenkapitalbedarf = externer Kapitalbedarf (extern finanzierte Betriebskosten, Investitionskosten, Reserven, Transaktionskosten, offene Posten und Liquiditätsaufbau zur Transaktion) - Fremdkapital - Gesellschafterdarlehen


Balance Sheet

titleThe Equity demand is calculated as follows:

External capital demand (external financed Opex, Capex, Reserves, Transaction Expenditures, Open Item and Liquidity Funding at Transaction)
-Shareholder Loans
=Equity demand

Essential for the Equity demand is the Equity Drawdown Mode. When "Drawdown as Needed" is selected the whole Equity demand is deposited ate Transaction. On the other hand when "Full Drawdown at Transaction (Equity First)" is selected the Equity demand is deposited when the demand exists.